Google Responsive Display Ads, one size fits all

August 22, 2018

With the advent of Responsive Display Ads from Google, we seem to be having increasing success using this format.

What are Google Responsive Display Ads?

For anyone not quite up to date, Google has provided a real-time means of creating Ads for their display network.

These ads comprise of both images and text. You select the images – two sizes are available – and provide the text.

Text includes:

  • a short headline (0-25 characters)
  • a long headline (0-90 characters)
  • a description (0-90 characters)
  • Business Name (0-25 characters)
  • Final URL
  • Your logo can either be provided separately or embedded in the images.

These assets are used by Google to construct your ads in real time, to suit any of the shapes and sizes available on the display network. Since there are around 20 different shapes and sizes available it avoids having to produce multiple Ad creatives. So, not quite one size fits all but a similar concept – with one set of assets fitting any size available.

Arguably this is a win/win situation with clients getting more exposure and Google filling more slots. The big saving is that there is only one production cost. Google is increasingly favouring these Responsive Display Ads for all the obvious reasons.

Like anything new, there are a few tips and tricks available to get the best results and these often depend on the product or service and the assets available.

If you’d like to have a chat, we’d be happy to help. Call us on 02 9953 2988.

Joe Cristaudo/Managing Director

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